There are so any reasons why this becomes problematic. The ways in which children choose to interact mean that they are constantly discovering and there is a chance that behaviour can be misinterpreted. Children can often judge very quickly one they have observed someone. Most of us will have experience of some sort with this so we'll be aware of the causes and how it works.
You must get to the root cause of why the behaviour is occurring in the first place. Most behaviour gets passed on from others so if you know that the nature of the bullying involves racism or gender issues then this may have been learned from a parent or guardian. This is a highly sensitive issue so it's best to speak with parents first to determine what has caused the prejudice that has led to the unwanted behaviour.
Education is of extreme importance in this regard. Many are not fully aware of how much harm bullying can have on the development of others so this must be clearly outlined so that the real life consequences can be properly considered. This may make them think twice about behaving in a way that involves being disrespectful to others and decrease the likelihood of mistreating others.
A range of teaching approaches can be utilized in this context to reveal this. Role playing is one very effective method or alternatively a teacher may use a TV or film example of how someone has been poorly treated by others and how it has affected them. Teacher Jane Elliot managed to make a significant impact with her blue and brown eyes experiment which revealed how easy it was for prejudice to breed.
Groups of peers tend to be the cause of such issues. It is alright for children to be part of their own social network but this can lead to friction between other groups and this in turn can lead to a host of issues
With the right input from teacher and parents it can be explained to them that it is important to respect the approaches of others, even those with whom we have little in common. In doing this it becomes more likely that an atmosphere of respect for others will be developed
Physical bullying makes up for a lot of this behaviour and can be spotted easily. This does not mean it is simple to tackle because the reasons for lashing out physically are often deeply rooted psychologically. Violence in any form should not be tolerated and children should have this explained from a young age by those in authority. It should be clearly explained why settling differences with diplomacy is better than using fists or weapons.
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